Communicate Webmail, the Mass HIway’s secure webmail solution, is a messaging exchange system that allows users to search for the Direct addresses of thousands of providers. Users can send detailed patient information to any of these providers, from any location. They can include attachments with the electronic patient records.
Using Mass HIway Communicate Webmail reduces the risk of communication error and ensures that all patient records can reach their intended destination.
If your organization does not have a Mass HIway account you can learn more about enrolling in the Mass HIway here. If you already have a webmail account, but have not received a webmail username and temporary password, email
Define Permanent Password
You cannot log into the Communicate Webmail Portal until you set your permanent password. Once you have received your user name and temporary password from the Mass HIway’s service team, follow the next steps to set up your account:
- Open the Communicate Account Management Portal. This portal is primarily used for setting up an account for the first time, setting up challenge questions, and for future password resets.
- If this is your first time logging in, enter your temporary password. Once you have set a permanent password, you can log into the Communicate Account Management Portal again with that password.
- You will be taken to the home screen. From this screen, navigate to 'self service center', and then choose 'challenge response'. The challenge response will allow you to reset your password if you ever forget it.
You will be provided with a list of questions to choose from. Select three questions and type in suitable answers, then click 'save'. A window will appear telling you that your responses have been saved.
As you need to answer these questions if you ever need to reset a forgotten password, make sure to establish the questions with answers you can remember.
- Always use the Communicate Account Management Portal to reset your password.
- If you ever receive a password reset, log into the portal with your new temporary password to set a new permanent password.
- Check out our Webmail Tips and Tricks document for detailed instructions to help you set up your webmail account.
Log into Communicate Webmail
Once you have set up your account, you can log into the Communicate Webmail Portal to access your inbox. From the inbox, you can receive and send Direct Messages to exchange patient health information with other care providers.
- Always click the “Log out” button when finished using Webmail, especially when using shared workstations. If your browser is closed before you log out, other Webmail users may have trouble logging in.
- If you experience problems logging in, especially on a shared workstation, try clearing the cache, history, and cookies in your web browser.
Review the webinar below to learn more about Mass HIway Webmail.
Instructional Videos
To learn more about setting up your account, sending a secure Direct message, and other webmail functions, view the instructional videos shown below. Click on the full screen icon in the bottom right corner of a video to view that video full screen. To return to this page, press the Esc button on your keyboard while in full screen mode.
Training Resources
Review the resources below to learn more about Mass HIway Webmail.

Use this tool to get a quick overview of how to use Mass HIway Webmail. Print this guide and hang it next to workstations so staff can refer to it when needed.
Additional Resource
The following downloadable resource can provide additional assistance:
Webmail Tips and Tricks - This is another useful reference document to keep handy near workstations.